It all starts with the right location. The Summit on Bluff Mountain is located just minutes outside of the resort towns of Pigeon Forge, Sevierville, and Gatlinburg, Tennessee. Great dining, shopping, entertainment, first class medical, big box grocers, and convenient air travel await you. The Summit is within a one days driving distance of 2/3 of the United States.
With the topography of our area the outdoor activities are unlimited. Hiking, Biking, Horseback Riding, Camping, Kayaking, Fly fishing, Tubing, Dining Out, and Professional Shopping (yes it’s a sport around here) or you can Just Do Nothing!
No Time Frame to Build
is the essence of all wealth… with No Time Frame to Build… The Summit is a solid land investment. You don’t wait to buy land. You buy land and wait.
Underground Utilities
There are no overhead power lines to obstruct your view. All of the utilities are ran underground and include fiber optic cabling for future communications technology. Cable Television
of course you can have a satellite, but with some aesthetic regulations. However, when the signal gets shaky, there’s a hard line right outside your front door.
City Water
If you’ve ever lived where well water was the primary source of H2O then you know what we mean when we say “our well never runs dry.”
Low Property Taxes
Sevier County Taxes are among the lowest nationwide with a tax rate of 1.66 per thousand.
We’re doing our part to stay green. We practice an extensive over-seeding program with wild flowers and wild grasses. We have a priority lot enhancement program and build with only certified green products. We currently have eighty acres of deeded property to The Foothills Land Conservatory that will never be built on.
The Summit offers several over looks, picnic areas, and nature trails throughout.

Fire Protection
It’s not important until you need it. The Summit has hydrants placed within regulation distances throughout the development.
Year-Round Climate
The Average Summer Temperature is a high of 89 degrees with a low of 67. In the Winter we average a mild 49 degrees in the daytime with an average low of 31 at night. We have an average rainfall of 46.69 inches per year with an average snowfall of 8 inches annually. Not too hot…Not too cold, most of the time it’s just right year round.
High Speed Internet
The internet has become a household necessity. There are two high speed options readily available in The Summit. Their is High Speed DSL available through the phone provider as well as High Speed Broadband available through the cable provider.
No State Income Tax
A total of 41 states impose a state income tax. The State of Tennessee does not.
Minimum One Acre Lots
No zero lot lines. We believe you should have plenty of room to move around.

Road Grades
Ease of travel is the developer’s pet peave. That’s why our roads have extended 22′ widths and moderate road grades.